Join the Cause

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Impact Partners

The backbone of Diversity in Aquatics empowers and drives ground-level programming in aquatic sports for an authentic  experience.

If you have a program that wants to provide dedicated, in-kind coaching, teaching, or other instruction access and assistance to the Diversity in Aquatic mission, become an Impact Partner today.

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Community Partners

We want to help all underrepresented and at-risk communities worldwide. 

If you have access to populations that could benefit from year-round programming, seasonal lessons, or specific instruction and want to partner with us to get your groups educated and involved, become a Community Partner today.


Funding Partners

Funding helps us extend our reach, professionalize and organize our members, and provide more boots on the ground for our promotion, education, and support efforts.

If you want to help us by providing a scholarship or sponsorship amount of funding to our organization, become a Funding Partner today.